Engage New York Homework Help
The Engage NY program has some homework guides to help parents if the students get stuck. They are organized by module, or unit.
Module 1
Module 2
Module 3
Module 4
Module 1
Module 2
Module 3
Module 4
Engage NY Parent Newsletters
Module 1, Topic A
Module 1, Topic B
Module 1, Topic C
Module 1, Topic D
Module 1, Topic E
Module 1, Topic F
Module 1 Tips for Parents
Module 1, Topic A
Module 1, Topic B
Module 1, Topic C
Module 1, Topic D
Module 1, Topic E
Module 1, Topic F
Module 1 Tips for Parents
Connected Math Homework Help
This page is by the publishers/creators of the Connected Math program that we will use as our primary math curriculum this year. It has ideas for parents about helping their students with their homework, and even has a few of the homework problems worked out with answers so parents can see how to solve them. Not all of our homework will come from Connected Math, but most of it will.
Connected Math Families page
Prime Time Games:
Factor Game
Product Game
Connected Math Families page
Prime Time Games:
Factor Game
Product Game
Order of operations (OA.1) - Here is a game that gives you problems to practice using the correct order of operations. Order of Operations Game
Here are a couple quiz games that can help with writing algebraic expressions in numbers.
Expressions in Words and Numbers
Writing Variable Expressions
Write Variable Expressions to Word Problems
Here are a couple quiz games that can help with writing algebraic expressions in numbers.
Expressions in Words and Numbers
Writing Variable Expressions
Write Variable Expressions to Word Problems
There are several different games on this site that work on using all four operations with decimals:
Mathnook decimal games
Mathnook decimal games