Give Me Liberty Requirements
1. The Pledge of Allegiance (written test)
2. The symbols of the United States (recited)
3. The symbols of ‘Old Glory’ (recited)
4. The symbols of the State of Utah (recited)
5. The Preamble to the Constitution
6. The Star-Spangled Banner (recited or sung)
7. The names of our Presidents in the order they served
8. The 50 states named and located (written test)
9. The 50 state capitals named and located (written test)
10. Continents and Oceans located on the world map (Written test)
11. The Gettysburg Address (recite each paragraph in order or all at once)
12. A line from the Declaration of Independence (recited)
1. The Pledge of Allegiance (written test)
2. The symbols of the United States (recited)
3. The symbols of ‘Old Glory’ (recited)
4. The symbols of the State of Utah (recited)
5. The Preamble to the Constitution
6. The Star-Spangled Banner (recited or sung)
7. The names of our Presidents in the order they served
8. The 50 states named and located (written test)
9. The 50 state capitals named and located (written test)
10. Continents and Oceans located on the world map (Written test)
11. The Gettysburg Address (recite each paragraph in order or all at once)
12. A line from the Declaration of Independence (recited)
History Raps
Presidents - Names and a fact about each of the presidents
State Capitals - Part 1
Part 2
Branches of Government
Bill of Rights
Presidents - Names and a fact about each of the presidents
State Capitals - Part 1
Part 2
Branches of Government
Bill of Rights